Beat the Summer Heat with Billie’s Cones

Imagine this: you just wrapped up a beautiful day outside exploring the Peace Country. The sun is beating down and you feel like treating yourself to a cold, tasty snack. You load up the family, skin still warm from the day’s adventures, and you head to a local ice cream truck to cool down and end the evening on a sweet note.

Thanks to Billie’s Cones, co-owned by Kyley Corrigal and Jasmine Downing, a mother-daughter duo who are veteran entrepreneurs, this blissful scenario can now be your reality this summer.

Finding the bright pink, ice cream truck is easy to do, as it sits on Main Street with a flashy logo and almost never-ending list of available flavours.

Indulge in the classics, such as Vanilla, Chocolate or Maple Walnut and get nostalgic with childhood favourites like Bubble Gum, Cotton Candy or Birthday Cake.

Or better yet, step outside of your comfort zone and grab a scoop of Black Sesame, a jet black, nutty and pleasantly bitter flavour. Or try Lavender Lemonade, a refreshingly light, lemony ice cream that is bound to revive you after a hot day in the sun.

With over thirty flavours available at all times, there’s something for everyone’s sweet tooth. Not only is their ice cream list extensive, but you can also find a cone that suits your needs and wants perfectly too.


For those that like to keep it traditional and eat their scoops from a cone, you can choose to sit your ice cream on top of a regular cone, waffle cone, sugar cone or even a gluten free cone. All are perfect for those days when you just want to grab and go.

If you’re thinking about sitting and staying awhile, you can opt for a bowl and savour the flavours a little longer. Waffle bowls are also an option and add more fun to the ice cream experience. It’s a treat within a treat!

When Billie’s Cones say they serve the whole family, they mean it.

“We are providing a fun atmosphere to all ages and pets. As well as something that tourists and family can check out together,” says Downing.

The menu even offers a “Billie Cone”, a baby sized cone that encourages the first taste and love of ice cream to even the smallest members of your family. 

Have a dog? Bring them!

The “Pup Cone” is a hot item that helps your four-legged friend to cool down and feel included. Topped with a mini dog treat, it’s bound to make your pup happy. Plus, it will give you the perfect photo op to capture and share.

Not in the mood for ice cream? They’ve still got you covered!

Billie’s Cones also offers cotton candy and snow cones. The delectable fairground treats that were once hard to find can now be enjoyed any day of the week.

Walk, ride a bike, or drive up and be greeted by their smiling team and the tough question of, “One scoop or two?”

Add Billie’s Cones into all your summer plans this year and use them as an excuse to get out and enjoy those sunny days ahead.