Jet Boating

Encounter the thrilling beauty of the Mighty Peace Region on our largest waterway

Experience the Mighty Peace Region just as the first explorers did—from the heart of the river for which it is named.

Or hit the waves on one of our many lakes. With organized jet boat rallies and events all summer long, the Peace River is a destination for jet boat enthusiasts across the West.

Navigate Your Adventure Along Peace River
Welcome to the Peace River Boat Guide, your gateway to exploring the serene beauty and hidden gems nestled along the meandering path of the Peace River.
View the Guide
Experience the Jet Boat Circle Tour
See Full Tour

Jet Boating Related Businesses

North End Boat Launch

Lower West Peace Boat Launch

Watino Boat Launch

Peace River Adventures – Scenic Boat Tours

Peace River Boat Launches 

Dunvegan Boat Launch

Pratt’s Landing Boat Launch

Lac Cardinal Boat Launch

Shaftesbury Boat Launch

Running LakeBoat Launch

Sulphur Lake Boat Launch

Stoney Lake Boat Launch

Ole’s Lake Boat Launch

George Lake Boat Launch

Carter’s Camp Boat Launch

Many Islands Boat Launch