
Tent or RV in the unspoiled beauty of the Mighty Peace Region

Do you want to get away from it all? Or would you rather have easy access to all the commodities of home? From Historic Dunvegan Provincial Park in the heart of the Peace River valley, to the Mighty Peace Golf Club where you can golf and stay, and everything in between, “roughing it” has never looked so good.

What are your favourite campgrounds?

Josh a local from the County of Northern Lights describes his favourite camping spots in the Mighty Peace.

Camping Related Businesses

Cummings Lake Campground

Blue Bridge Campground

Fourth Creek Campground

Moonshine Lake

Tangent Trails

Dreamers Lake Campground

Kakut Lake Campground

Cotillion Park

Hilltop Lake Campground

Dixonville L.I.F.E Agricultural Society

Spring Lake Campground

The Creek Campground

Girouxville Campground

Mighty Peace Golf Club & Campground

Figure Eight Lake

Falher Municipal Campground

McLennan Municipal Kimiwan Campground

Murphy’s Flats

George Lake Campground Playground

Dunvegan Provincial Park

The Maples

Many Islands Campground 

Cleardale Campground

Clear River Campground

Harmon Valley Park

Cummings Lake Recreation Area

Rendez-Vous RV Park & Storage

Heart River Golf Course and Campground

Little Prairie RV Park

Carters Camp Campground 

Elk Island Park

Fairview Golf Club and Campground